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Rebuilding (early childhood sector) work relationships after Covid

Mark Townley

By Kathy Townley (Principal Consultant, Education and Early Childhood Services, Not for Profit, Government and Public Sector Services), Ideas2Outcomes

In 2022 it has been wonderful to see services returning to on-site delivery of programs. There has been a tremendous amount of work and focus on establishing children’s active engagement and developing partnerships with families.

It is also important to consider supporting your employees to re-establish relationships with colleagues and the leadership team. The inconsistency of face-to-face meetings, incidental interactions and purposeful collaboration has been challenging for many employees.

Just like the general population, some early years employees are experiencing anxiety and emotional burnout from having to adapt quickly to changing circumstances.

Employers also have a legal duty of care to their employees and a responsibility to ensure support is provided. Re-building professional relationships can take time so here are some practical strategies:

  1. Checking in with employees – see how they are traveling and what, if any, additional support can be provided.

  2. Communication – provide opportunities for employees to discuss/raise matters collegiately and with the leadership team.

  3. Review the expectations of positions and workload – there may need to be some changes in the short term. Ensure fairness and consultation.

  4. Review the values and purpose of the organisation with all employees – encourage discussion about “how” the values are embraced in everyday practice.

  5. Discuss relevant service processes/procedures with all employees to ensure a common understanding – it may be some procedures have not been required for a while e.g., the Emergency and Evacuation procedure.

  6. Remind employees about the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for employees covered under VECTEA and any other supports or other EAP available at your service.

Consider external expert support to facilitate a tailored workshop and/or provide advice for your specific needs, something we would be happy to assist with.

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